Church of the Saviour and “Survival”

Kayla,  who is on staff of The Church of the Saviour, posted this comment to a post at Get Interesting discussion. I am Gordon Cosby’s “associate” for want of a better word, and I’ll continue to serve as The Church of the Saviour’s central staff person. Just to clarify, our church (which has been composed of 9 independent faith Continue Reading

Still here

It’s been nearly three weeks since I last posted. That might be a record for me.  I’ve not even been thinking much at all about posting in that period.  I’ve all but withdrawn from the politics going on.  I voted early (last week),  and I’ve not watched The Daily Show much at all.  I just don’t want to be reminded Continue Reading

Sitting in Stunned Silence

I have found very little to blog about lately,  even though there are huge things happening.  A Presidential campaign, a couple of wars,  an economic crisis.  But I find myself muted because I am in shut down mode,  which happens when I don’t want to face the inevitable frustration that all three things will bring. I certainly don’t feel any Continue Reading

Suskind and The Enlightenment

I was a taken down a notch in my enthusiasm for Suskind’s book ,  when,  at Part 3,  about 113 pages in,  he has something that is like a celebration of the Age of Reason ,  and pits it against the “faith” approach.  He says that the two are compatible,  but it is clear that for him,  “reason” is the Continue Reading

Imagination Killer

I love this.  This has a lot to do with why I feel furthest from the church in America when I see Christians more apt to defend “America” from criticism than they are to uphold a particular theological dogma.  (And here, I include “dogmas” that are rightfully insisted upon “basics” of the faith of the church.  “The church has fallen Continue Reading

Lack of Church Stories on the Web

Long ago,  I was known to post frequently on the importance of churches having blogger/historians/journalers,  who post stories and reflections on their church community’s journey along the road of becoming authentic church. (I take this name in italics from an emphasis of the past 2 or 3 years amongst the Church of the Saviour communizes,  and a booklet they have Continue Reading

Moyers on Wright Mess

Moyers on Wright Stuff Moyers is brilliant as usual. I was disappointed on several fronts with all this stuff. I was disappointed that Wright’s comment to Moyers, about Obama “doing what politicians do” , which was not something I initially took as a negative (because I agreed with him on that)  was something at which  Obama took great offense,  feeling that Continue Reading

Called Out to Stand Out

Just a few choice morsels from Jesus For President  (p. 228) The church is a people called out of the world to embody a social alternative that the world cannot know on its own terms. Ironic that so many people in the church adopt the categories and the “realism” of the world,  and become skeptics of the relevance of Jesus Continue Reading

Hitchens and Sullivan on Russert

Christopher Hitchens is saying that Obama’s refusal to condemn Wright was ,  rather than brave,  a copout. Hitchens says that Obama could have and did not identify WHICH of Wright’s statements he disagreed with. For me,  the reasons I have given for Obama’s intentional lack of specificity were that the issues surrounding this (black liberation theology expressed in apocalyptic language) Continue Reading

a micropolitics of subversion?

I’d ditto this for Jim Wallis and his latest 3 or 4 books Very simply, if “the kingdom of God” cannot be separated from “the King,” this places a renewed emphasis on the local church as being the instrument of a new politics, the politics of justice, righteousness and social renewal. It is indeed these people, called out ahead of Continue Reading

This Impresses Me A Lot

As one might tell from my posts today,  I was impressed with Obama’s political courage today.  He refused to REJECT OR REPUDIATE Rev. Wright,  but rather testified to his being “like family”.  This upsets some Democrats who don’t understand church.  If I had (which I did) any misgivings about Obama’s integrity (even casino empire,no cd casino empire,trucos para casino empireganancia Continue Reading

Understanding Apocalyptic Language

There’s so much more than Left Behind .  In fact,  it’s completely NOT any of Left Behind.  It’s an embedded hope that sees all that is oppressive in the world being set aside or torn down and relegated to the dust bins of history so that God’s Kingdom is all that remains.  In Anthony’s post where he is helping us Continue Reading

Obama and his church… the Biblical response?

More often than not,  I really like what this conservative evangelical (who used to be second in command of the faith-based initiative of Bush).  here he is on Obama and his church: Some have said Obama needs to give a Checkers Speech. He doesn’t. He has done nothing wrong. His pastor holds extreme views. He has clarified and distinguished his Continue Reading

I Need To Be Able To See It Here

I am often frustrated that I I always seem to have to point to Washington DC and The Church of the Saviour as example.  I want something here,  to tell my own stories of experiences with a “community of character” (as in Hauerwas’ book title) ;  to write my own chapters of “Call to Commitment” , “Journey Inward, Journey Outward”,  Continue Reading