Movable Type 4 Fails

MT 4 has failed several tests.  This is why I moved off the platform and onto WordPress in the first place. 1. SLOW SLOW SLOW when you have thousands of posts like I do.  The template republishing is the same reason why I moved from Radio Userland. 2. The Dynamic publishing is too difficult for a non-PERL person like me.  Continue Reading

WordPress, Movable Type, Community Server

I have been playing with Community Server (and before that, dotText) ever since 2003,  when I began a quest (which is still proceddding quite slowly) to learn dot Net (.Net).  We bought a license for it at work,  in anticipation of using it for several things.  Now it looks as though a group of developers that are related to our Continue Reading


Here is a blog editor I just ran across. It is called Qumana ( the 3.0 Beta did not work with my MT, but the full release 2.0 , this one I’m using now, does. The major caveat is that I cannot find where the POST button is. That’s a major oversight, I think. It also mucks with the fonts, Continue Reading

Hey Nick! What am I doing wrong!

Nick Bradbury shows how to add Movable Type to the Feed Demon News Reader ‘s Blog This Story Tool….. My URL to add entries is: but putting your suggestion, is_bm=1&bm_show=&__mode=view&_type=entry &title= etc etc Where ‘’ is the URL of your MT installation doesn’t work….I get an error: I put in etc etc and get a 404 error Continue Reading

trackback test

test link to my WordPress Blog, doesn’t get recorded by the WordPress, or doesn’t get displayed correctly……I’ll check and see if it got into the database for wordpress……nope, no sign of it in the datbase either. MOvable type (sending the trackback) receives back the trackback URL when I posted this ….but then WordPress seems to be unaware that it has Continue Reading

Can’t upload

Trying to upload a picture (using Upload File), I get the following two errors (one or the other) Got an error: CGI open of tmpfile: Permission denied (MT Error) The Page cannot be displayed (Browser error page, with the usual instructions IE gives me) The directory chosen is the LocalSitePath, images/uploads, which has write permissions (this is on a Windows Continue Reading

Need some navigation to other posts in my “Category Pages”

I noticed yesterday that when I follow a link to a “Category Page” such as one that says “See related posts in category1” , that the page at /archives/cat_categoryname.html does not have navigation to other posts in the category, and only shows the most recent post to that category. I need a list of other postings. How can I do Continue Reading

Movable Type and importing original Radio -assigned Categories

The Radio export I got from TechnoWeenie (that’s really the name of the Blog) worked,  but I don’t know what to do to get the Categories included,  since Radio created separate xml files for each category which included a list in the XML of which Radio post IDs belong to that category: Sample: <table name=”For Sale”> <date name=”dateLastUpload” value=”Fri, 25 Apr 2003 Continue Reading

Movable Theoblogical

Movable type is now installed here.  I am seeking the quickest  route to populating the movable type blog with content from my Radio blog (this one here).  Any Comments,  emails,  sugegstions welcome. I am seeking the best avenue to provide Weblog consulting, maintaining,  and generl evangelism on the possibilities for weblogging  in the Church.