Lack of Church Stories on the Web

Long ago,  I was known to post frequently on the importance of churches having blogger/historians/journalers,  who post stories and reflections on their church community’s journey along the road of becoming authentic church. (I take this name in italics from an emphasis of the past 2 or 3 years amongst the Church of the Saviour communizes,  and a booklet they have Continue Reading

An MIT for the Church

A decade ago I was writing about how there needed to be “A Compuserve For The Church”, since I felt that the Church could avail itself of some of the technologies being used to conect people remotely. The Web came along and made all of that a lot more possible. I was reading an article in the latest WIRED issue Continue Reading

Call To Be Online

All of the above (in More At Home Online is to point out that I don’t get this in Church. Even though I have written things on the Church’s website (which I contructed and maintain), and had a couple meetings with a potential “Web site committee” about what our site should be, I feel almost “shunned”, because I have “the Continue Reading

The Theology and Technical Training Quagmire

I followed up Seminary by selling computers,  getting my first PC,  and soon began picking up HTML from the early Web sites.  After a couple of computer support jobs,  all the while beginning to write about the possibilities I saw for Online Community and the Church (I picked up a head of steam on this after reading Howard Rheingold’s The Continue Reading

Google Watch

Mankind’s questions unscroll day and night on a computer screen in an office hallway in Mountain View, California. So the article begins.  Michael Malone observes the striklingly small enclave tucked away in a hallway at google, where a lone figure sits and observes the fruits of the labors of his query collating application Workers here at Google were once fascinated Continue Reading

20 years

Here’s where a blogger who takes pride in his writing faces something intimidating, at least this is how I feel coming into the start of this. And the THIS is: Today marks 20 years since the day of my first meeting and first date (this was a blind date, you may have deduced) with my wife. Next year we will Continue Reading

Website Functions

When I first titled this story/article,  the “functions” I had in mind were the “limited set” or “usual set” of functions that are often associated with Church Website “basics”:  information about the Church and basic schedule, personell,  mission statement, etc. (brochure information).  Most Churches begin by transferring most of their brochure information onto a Webpage.  Some add a calendar,  which usually Continue Reading

Church website Visions

I feel that I have arrived on the Church web scene too early (as it often seems with just about anything having to do with new technologies and the Church—– the Church community is often not among the early adopters of new technologies).   I think this is particularly true in the case of online technologies,  having to do so much Continue Reading