Understanding Apocalyptic Language

There’s so much more than Left Behind .  In fact,  it’s completely NOT any of Left Behind.  It’s an embedded hope that sees all that is oppressive in the world being set aside or torn down and relegated to the dust bins of history so that God’s Kingdom is all that remains.  In Anthony’s post where he is helping us understand the apocalyptic tone of the Rev. Wrights in America:

It is an attempt to cure black folks  (and hopefully other folks) of racial self-hatred and ’apocalypse’ the pervasive genetic defect of white supremacy in North American Christianity.

Thoughts on Obama and Wright « Musings of a Postmodern Negro

I like the use of “apocalypse” as a verb.  The church is called to “apocalypse” the system built up and in operation that weighs so heavy on so many.  It oppresses the rich and privileged by making them slaves to comfort and separates them from finding true worship and discipleship.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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