God REALLY is neither a Democrat NOR a Republican HT @BrianMerritt #OWS #OccupyChurch

I totally agree with my friend Brian here: In the end if they break ways with Christ’s teachings we are required to break with them as well and speak truth in love http://indefinitedefiniteness.org/2012/09/07/politics/ And saying such things just scares the bejeebies out of so many of my “secular” friends.  They just can’t seem to grasp the idea that the “theocracy” ideas Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-08

Complicated #OWS qtns: "Protesters can no more forbid certain visitors than police can ban protesters". http://t.co/o6IOByFq # George Lakoff on #OWS "Frame yourselves before others frame you". http://t.co/1r8g0YNz # Lakoff: "Democratic gov' is about The Public & the liberty that it provides for a thriving Private Sphere". http://t.co/1r8g0YNz # Lakoff: "#OWS movement is moral in nature; that occupiers want the Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-01

RT @jvoorhees Federal judge orders TN to stop arresting Occupy Nashville protesters. http://t.co/lNyWVwzW # Tennessee GOP: Democrats are out of touch by defending the protesters // standing w/ 99% out of touch? http://t.co/jBLU6fFt # GOPers Cry Uncle On Spending… When Cuts Hit Home. // Example of pure selfishness. Whatever affects ME. http://t.co/JoKyCW00 # RT @thunderjones: Magistrate TomNelson : "I can Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-25

Christian solidarity with #OccupyLondon http://t.co/KIwjzMYw # Great post from @RogerWolsey :10 Things Christians Should Know & Do about the "Occupy" Protests. http://t.co/fbCj2T58 # CBC apologizes (sort of) for O'Leary's remarks http://t.co/U4u7J2u4 # CBC's Kevin O'Leary shows his stuff is no match for the knowledge and sense of Chris Hedges. http://t.co/9Ou5ugF4 # CBC Kevin O'Leary to CHedges: I didn't call U Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-18

“@jonestony : The Evangelical Rejection of Reason – http://t.co/qMylrc7r http://t.co/NaCI3NLm”//they kill me blaming evangelicalism # from House: Wilson: "you can't take money from sick people". House: "What is this, Canada? All we do is take money from sick people" LOL # Homers flying in Milwaukee…6 with one out inthe top of the3rd inning # RT @Frank_Schaeffer: read this! http://t.co/xRb8qaIc // Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-04

@JPBarlow where does this come from? Don't doubt it, would just like to highlight it and know the source. # @imageoffish Just thinking, is there a close relation of Art with protest (ala #occupywallstreet etc) ? # awesome blog post by @micahbales on relating faith with #occupyWallStreet I want 2C more from others. http://r2.ly/7caa # "prayer that this m'vm't provides Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-06

Many are noticing a possible Amazon sudden dramatic entry into the Tablet space. http://r2.ly/bwp7 # AP says Obama "aimed a Partisan barb at GOP" by saying GOP should put country ahead of party. Whatever. http://r2.ly/exkp # @MLB.tv Your ads are OLD Media style and method. PUt them back in the sidebar and let me read the info I came for. Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-28

@boprosser You were at Wild Goose ? Sorry I missed ya #WGF11 # United Methodist Campus Ministry Association meeting at Vanderbilt in Nashville July 23-26, 2011 will feature @PeterRollins # United Methodist Campus Ministry Association meetingn at Vanderbilt in Nashville July 23-26, 2011 will feature Peter Ro… http://r2.ly/c3hd # Ill be posting video I took at #wgf11 #wildgoosefest all during Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-21

@keithOlbermann What Markos said in this web clip is SO IMPORTANT. Lowest Tiers is crucial! I Can't afford extra $50/mo. http://r2.ly/am5m # Web extra Countdown content w/ KO and "Kos" (still really pissed and distracted by lack of broadcast content online). http://r2.ly/am5m # Roger Ebert's Facebook Page Taken Down After Ryan Dunn Tweets Cause Ire. -HuffPo. http://r2.ly/akrx # Facebook 2 Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-19

@MLB – how do you figure that NASHVILLE TN is in the CincinnatiReds "Hometown viewing area"? You make MLB tv useless to me # @johncusack yeah, & make requirement that any who vote for it auto- enlists their own kids. Might make them truly consider the "cause" # Apparently this idiot gov of Mich isn't seeing effects of round1 of Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-29

Colbert and Michael Moore last night: http://bit.ly/ifHwcq Very funny and also incl much of MM's serious concerns. Great stuff # Colbert: All murals need 2b balanced LD's Last Supper only tells Jesus' side of the story. Should've added a Roman Soldier w/ sack of nails # Sorry for the 3-part tweet. I'm going to write a blog post, which is Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-22

Attack on Libya started on anniv. of Iraq war. JStewart: "Is that what you get a war for its anniversary? Another war?" # Jon Stewart: "You can't simultaneously fire teachers AND tomahawk missiles" (ref. to budget crisis) http://bit.ly/hWGrie # @jeffjarvis Not that there's anything wrong with that #IfSeinfeldHadTwitter # @jeffjarvis Not that there's anything wrong with that # I finally Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-01

I'm amused and disturbed at the offense Christians take at the suggestion of universalism. "Hey , no fair! I gotta be better than somebody!" # Great comic commentary by Jon Stewat "aimed" at teachers, chiding them for their "greed" http://bit.ly/gCpteE # Now Fox trying to convince us that it's teachers and not corporations and Wall Street that are sucking our Continue Reading

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-22

Amazon Prime membership now with 5000+ movies TV streaming (in add't'n to free 2 day shipping ) (see http://tcrn.ch/g23Oyq) # Imagine how pissed off Tea Party will be if NPR and Public Televsion help to rally people to their defeat on this Teacher union issue # Those tea partiers! Don't realize they wouldn't have weekends or 8 hour workdays without Continue Reading