This Impresses Me A Lot

As one might tell from my posts today,  I was impressed with Obama’s political courage today.  He refused to REJECT OR REPUDIATE Rev. Wright,  but rather testified to his being “like family”.  This upsets some Democrats who don’t understand church.  If I had (which I did) any misgivings about Obama’s integrity (even casino empire,no cd casino empire,trucos para casino empireganancia Continue Reading

Understanding Apocalyptic Language

There’s so much more than Left Behind .  In fact,  it’s completely NOT any of Left Behind.  It’s an embedded hope that sees all that is oppressive in the world being set aside or torn down and relegated to the dust bins of history so that God’s Kingdom is all that remains.  In Anthony’s post where he is helping us Continue Reading

on Obama and Wright

Oh my gosh,  my blogger friends have been absolutely poetic in their blogging over this Rev. Wright issue.  Anthony is terrifically articulate (not so unusual for him): those who are uncomfortable with the qualifier afro-centric Christian theology or black theology would do well to understand the historical and social reasons why black folks use these qualifiers.  They only reveal their Continue Reading

Jim Wallis on Barak Obama

Earlier  today,  prior to Obama’s speech,  and anticipating what turned out to be an amazing speech, Jim Wallis posted an article. I may not “buy in” to the deepest “meaning” and “change you can believe in” type slogans,  but I also like this guy,  and I do think he represents the most articulate and sophisticated, nuanced understanding of religion, race,  Continue Reading

Obama and his church… the Biblical response?

More often than not,  I really like what this conservative evangelical (who used to be second in command of the faith-based initiative of Bush).  here he is on Obama and his church: Some have said Obama needs to give a Checkers Speech. He doesn’t. He has done nothing wrong. His pastor holds extreme views. He has clarified and distinguished his Continue Reading

Talking Points Memo

Incredible.  I’m watching you less and less CNN.  MSNBNC is king. CNN’s politics page has a big feature story headlined “Fellow Legislator Saw Little ‘Bold’ About Obama” with a introspective, solemn pic of Obama. Then you read the story. And the colleague is a guy named Dan Cronin, a Republican. Shouldn’t they have spoken to one of the Republicans who Continue Reading

Not Fair

I found this pretty funny in a thread on the Wyoming caucus, whil looking for delegate info on Mississippi Just Not Fair. . That Obama is better organized, raises more money, has more enthusiastic supporters, and gets more votes. Plus, Wyoming is a rectangular state — another disadvantage for the Clinton camp. And they had this on a Saturday. Is Continue Reading

Robert Reich pleads for Sanity Among Democrats

Who is Robert Reich.  If you listen to NPR,  you know this: Robert B. Reich is Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. He has written eleven books, including The Work of Continue Reading

Dear Remaining SuperDelegates

You MUST vote Obama,  if you value the morale of the Democratic party into the foreseeable future.  Hillary is the nightmare fulfillment of all of Obama’s calls to end the politics of cynicism and attacks.  I am beginning to question whether I will be able to vote for her if she is the nominee.  The young people in this country,  Continue Reading

Networks Need to Correct Their Texas Results

You know those graphics that they show when they’ve “projected” the winners of the states?  IN the case of the primaries,  Texas in particular,  they need to stop doing that based on popular vote for the state.  This is not how “winners” are determined.  In the electoral college in the general,  the states whole electoral college count goes to the Continue Reading

Obama Wins Texas

Really.  He won the state of Texas.  98 to 95.  It’s not a statewide popular vote.  it is done by district, and Obama won more delegates.  Today,  the state of California certified the delegate count, and Obama snatched 4 away from Hillary.  So he gains 8 there,  effectively wiping out the 8-11 point delegate gain Hillary got on Tuesday.  MSNBC’s Continue Reading

I know, I’m WAY too INTO this

My last post shows how I am ,  in light of my previous posts in praise of the conversations about Obama’s “Change you can believe in” and Charlie Pardue’s post and David Fitch’s post and the comments,  WAY too interested in all this Obama vs Hillary stuff. But I can’t help LIKING Obama and NOT wanting Hillary to remain viable.  Continue Reading

Clinton "takes" Ohio, Texas primaries(?); Obama cites delegates

She TAKES Ohio?   I am looking all over to see what the DELEGATE allotment was.  It is ridiculously hard to find.  Ridiculous since the DELEGATES are the only thing that counts.  Percentages only give a rough idea of who may win more,  but when the margin is 54 to 44,  it’s not all possible to get an accurate picture.  So Continue Reading

Handing Over Power To the State

Charlie posted a  comment over on David Fitch’s post (Zizek, Obama and the Emerging Church)  that I blogged about last week. What an outstanding conversation there and on Charlie’s post that started all this for me. As Christians, we make up one of the largest groups of people on this planet, how is it that we have “NO POWER” to Continue Reading

Why Hillary is Somewhere Between Obama and Bush

Because of fear mongering tactics like this (hat tip to The Mundane Life of Thunder Jones: New Hillary Ad! )  This moves her in Bush’s direction.  That should be considered an insult,  and Hillary brought this on herself.  The already sharply dwindling amount of respect I had for her has dwindled even further and faster in this campaign.  It was Continue Reading