Jim Wallis on Barak Obama

Earlier  today,  prior to Obama’s speech,  and anticipating what turned out to be an amazing speech, Jim Wallis posted an article. I may not “buy in” to the deepest “meaning” and “change you can believe in” type slogans,  but I also like this guy,  and I do think he represents the most articulate and sophisticated, nuanced understanding of religion, race,  and politics than we have had in a candidate in a long time (at least in a somewhat publicly accessible but intellectually appealing way).  Rev. Wallis:

Obama has never chosen to talk about race in the way that Rev. Jeremiah Wright does on the video clips that keep playing, and indeed has never played “the race card” at any time in this election. It’s been his opponents that have, especially the right-wing conservative media machine that wants the U.S. to believe he is secretly a Muslim and from a “racist” church.

God’s Politics – Jim Wallis blog, faith blog, religion, Christian, Christianity, politics, values: Healing the Wounds of Race (by Jim Wallis)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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