Blog extrapolation of @RezaAslan & @ChrisLHayes great segment on @AllInWithChris

Oh my gosh.  The comment of the CNN person to the two other CNN people  “victims” of @RezaAslan ‘s “anger”.  This is what I am referring to:  the clip below begins with Reza’s fully deserved “in your face” comment to the TWO CNN people who were repeating the same clueless Islamaphobic talking points continuing to suggest that Islam is the Continue Reading

CNNs Erickson: Obama “Claiming” To Be A Christian, “Chose To Pervert Gods Word” | Media Matters for America

The President this week chose to pervert God’s Word to make the case for a tax increase, but he also chose to ignore God’s word on life and is ordering Christians, while he claims to be one, to violate their Christian conscience on abortion — requiring Christian organizations to provide health insurance that will cover the cost of drugs that Continue Reading

Talking Points Memo

Incredible.  I’m watching you less and less CNN.  MSNBNC is king. CNN’s politics page has a big feature story headlined “Fellow Legislator Saw Little ‘Bold’ About Obama” with a introspective, solemn pic of Obama. Then you read the story. And the colleague is a guy named Dan Cronin, a Republican. Shouldn’t they have spoken to one of the Republicans who Continue Reading