Blogs & such Running much better on a specialized platform

My host has moved me to a “separate, specialized platform, which we think will better accommodate your website.”  And it does seem much snappier.  While I am keeping my options open re: alternatives,  at least things are running OK once more.  We’ll see how Live Writer gets through to the blog API to post this

Photo Test

type some text….no,  this is still not right!   Ahhhhhhhhh!   Live Writer,  when will you get this right?  In WYSIWYG mode,  I ought to be seeing this text immediately to the right of the image,  since I have marked the image with align left.  It shows up correctly in the browser when I view it after publishing,  but isn’t “WYSIWYG” mode Continue Reading

Latest version of Live Writer

Some cool things: Now you can insert a video from your computer and have it automatically published to either YouTube or Soapbox when you publish your blog. Just like before, Writer will automatically embed an in-line video in your post and publish your video when you publish the post to your blog. Writer Zone – Windows Live TWITTER NOTIFY Automatically Continue Reading

Now that it’s summer

This post will prevent another WHOLE month going by without any blog posts.  I’ve been in quite the silence.  Now that it’s summer,  and my son is done with school (and halfway through his college career!!!)  ,  and I have that long awaited netbook since March,  with which I have been playing and installing Windows 7 and reinstalling this and Continue Reading

WordPress 2.3 and Windows Live Writer Beta 3

Article that tells how to get new WordPress tag support working in WLW b3. Seems to work (notice the Tag list below this post). Now I’m going to become a tagging monster. I also upgraded my K2 theme to a new version when I upgraded to WordPress 2.3.  Things seem to be working nicely.  I decided to try a three Continue Reading

WordPress 2.1.1 update fixes Live Writer Image uploads

The WordPress upgrade to 2.1.1 fixed the Live Writer problem!  Excellent. BTW,  just in case you were wondering ,  that ‘s Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the left. (I just grabbed a picture from my MyPictures folder) Besides,  this makes my blog look more ‘theological” during this flurry of technical/blogospherical posts. (update: not so fast…….the image I uploaded yesterday went in fine,  Continue Reading