Bad argument Dems make

This is a bad argument: “Strongest economy in history” is nonsense, of course. But Dems citing of certain statistics to say Biden economy is best is also bunk. I’m also not setting up any ridiculous “both sides” argument. I’m complaining about the claim by many Dems that this economy we have right now is the “best ever”. That’s not how Continue Reading

Climate Emergency Example | Grist

A real emergency declaration might be something like this: For example, once a climate emergency is declared, Biden could divert billions of dollars from the military toward constructing renewable energy projects. Under the Defense Production Act, a law invoked by the Trump administration to boost the supply of Covid-19 medical supplies, Biden could order businesses to manufacture more clean energy Continue Reading

What it might look like if President Biden really declared a climate emergency | Grist

Environmental advocates say that although the president acknowledges the climate crisis in his rhetoric, his administration continues to expand fossil fuel production. Source: What it might look like if President Biden really declared a climate emergency | Grist Yes,   “Acknowledging” the crisis doesn’t actually DO anything to address it.  Obviously,  it’s better to IGNORE it in practice (aka “expanding fossil Continue Reading

Opinion | Biden’s all-EV dream lives on, despite a lack of sales or feasibility – The Washington Post

The Biden administration’s costly and coercive crusade to replace internal combustion vehicles (ICVs) with electric vehicles (EVs) is disproportionate to its minuscule climate impact. Source: Opinion | Biden’s all-EV dream lives on, despite a lack of sales or feasibility – The Washington Post Compared to the cost of continued fossil fuel emissions? ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, people. Ecological costs are REAL and Continue Reading

The hugely massive FAIL of social media companies.

It’s a huge FAIL on the part of Social Media companies that our content is not ALL instantly available to us, forever. Facebook in particular. They (Facebook) were once very open in their API, and made it simple to save posts and comments to blogs, and vice versa. And , by many of the same mechanisms, interoperable, so that posts Continue Reading

The Great Work of Ecological Civilization

Someone just tweeted a link to Bill McKibben’s first Climate book, “The End of Nature”, which was published/released Jan. 1, 1989. Their tweet said “Should have listened to you in 1989”. It got me thinking about how that was just a couple of months prior to the birth of our first child. And it was prior to the Internet becoming Continue Reading

Delgado: Don’t Look Up

Don’t Look Up via @SharonD19031284 Sharon Delgado on how after the latest IPCC report, the media is hardly mentioning it. “Many of us in the global North are privileged enough to be able to find ways to insulate ourselves (temporarily) from the reality and impacts of climate change on our lives and hope that the fires and floods don’t Continue Reading

Hauerwas and the Ecological Crisis? A “war” not addressed.

For a few years now, since my “Eco-conversion” in 2014, I find myself bothered by the absence of any attention at all to the Climate Crisis by many of my earlier influential authors, and Hauerwas stands out here. He is definitely a pivotal influence theologically. But he, unfortunately stands out in the absence of theological reflection on the Climate Crisis.The Continue Reading