WordPress 2.1 and LiveWriter errors

I just noticed the image upload for wp 2.1 from Live writer is broken. I uploaded an image to my blog (or tried) for the first time since Jan 26, when I upgraded to 2.1, and got the following error: Invalid Server Response (with red X) and in the message box: The response to the metaWeblog.newMediaObject method received from the Continue Reading

Wired News: 9/11: Birth of the Blog

On this day, 5 years ago, interesting that this was the day lots of people said blogging really hit the radar as a significant communication: Wired News: 9/11: Birth of the Blog While phone networks and big news sites struggled to cope with heavy traffic, many survivors and spectators turned to online journals to share feelings, get information or detail Continue Reading

WordPress, Movable Type, Community Server

I have been playing with Community Server (and before that, dotText) ever since 2003,  when I began a quest (which is still proceddding quite slowly) to learn dot Net (.Net).  We bought a license for it at work,  in anticipation of using it for several things.  Now it looks as though a group of developers that are related to our Continue Reading

The Need for Speed

My internet connection of late had been really bad……the provider (Comcast) had been out after they discovered some fairly consistent packet loss happening. Someone came out Tuesday this past week and switched out a splitter, and the next test showed no packet loss. But it continued to be sluggish as I used it over the next several days. Last night Continue Reading


Oh, by the way, the book I mentioned toward the tail end of my last post on James Carroll’s House of War, entitled Overthrow, I also bought from Amazon when I bought the Carroll book. Kinzer is another writer on historical conflicts who has noticed the tragic patterns of America not learning its lesson, and reaping the consequences of “an Continue Reading

Unbelievable How Time Passes

In another day,  I will be 50.  I can’t believe it, actually.  I don’t feel like it is possible.  I still feel,  in many ways,  like somebody who is wondering “what am I  going to do when I grow up?”.  I still feel like a college kid.  I have a wife and two kids,  and wondering how we’re going to Continue Reading

Improvements To Get RSS to Paydirt

Dave’s WordPress Blog » How RSS can bust through It must be easy to find relevant feeds. Too much hunt and peck is involved. The reason My.Yahoo and iTunes have been successful is that they centralize a lot of the discovery, they make it easy to find stuff you might be interested in. Absolutely. And it is here that the Continue Reading