“A Generation who Knew not Joseph” Today’s “conservatives” nothing like the old.

I had this comment to make as I got trollled in a thread on The Hill (which is the norm there,  as it is absolutely overrun with right wing trolls).  This one was in a thread under an article that was titled “Sanders courts Trump voters”,  which is a terrible title based on the quote from Sanders that prompted it, Continue Reading

‘Tis the season to put “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” signs up

Saw a couple of these today as I went out.  My first thought was,  and what of the Lack of markers of the turning of seasons?  The coming of winter?  And the invoking of Jesus as “the reason”, as if that invoking is sufficient to represent some universally accepted theology (which it is FAR from doing,  most least of all Continue Reading

Climate not a “top story” amongst UMC Communicators

So here  (also shown below),  on UMNS’s Facebook page,  they posted an article “News Poll:Top 2015 stories” ,  polling UM Communications workers,  and Climate didn’t make the top 5.  And I commented that this is symptomatic of the problem of neglect (and dare I say,  “repression”;  pushing such realities out of view and only bringing them up when it is Continue Reading

David Turnbull take on #COP21 is important point in all this

The Paris climate talks present a lowest common denominator of global politics, not the aspirations of the global community. It’s the people on the streets who provide the real hope for addressing the climate crisis. – David Turnbull Source: Oil Change International responds to Paris climate agreement – Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

Working on what kind of start to make

I have been “stalling” under the guise of “determining my brand/style” for EcoEcclesia and the dream/goal of launching a Webcast network using my now 3 and a half month-old Tricaster Mini.  Dennis Benson,  my friend and Communications seminary professor from my days at United Theological Seminary (1990-91) was expressing to me yesterday his sense of urgency that such missions as this Continue Reading

A major win for deniers is scaring the s*** out of liberals, progressives,moderates &conservatives who believe in science

That so many, especially in the church,  have succumbed to a position of ignoring the truths about how our way of living has brought humanity to a place of dire emergency.  When I talk about this,  the silence and changing of the subject is striking.  Even amongst people who say they believe that the climate is changing and that we Continue Reading

The delusion of an “unsettled science” and pushing the hubris that we can do anything

This from Climate Progress: Obama Is ‘Delusional’ For Saying Climate Change Is A Major National Security Threat, Fiorina Says The delusion is what she has apparently accepted; the delusion that Climate Science is some sort of political conspiracy by liberals to redistribute the wealth and destroy that most wonderful of discoveries: that fossil fuels will save us a lot of Continue Reading

What’s up with the UMC on this weekend before the Climate Summit in Paris?

I’d like an update from UMNS (United Methodist News Service) on the article from about 6 weeks ago, looking forward to the Paris Climate ( #COP21 ) talks (http://www.umc.org/news-and-media/seeking-climate-justice-in-pariss) Yesterday and today, there were marches held to call to account the Paris COP21 meetings to hear the world’s people and resist the accomodation of corporations and the Fossil Fuel industry. Continue Reading

Denominations Home Pages and Christian Identity relating to the Climate Crisis

I looked at the various denominations’ websites Home Pages back in 2011 at the beginnings of the Occupy Movement,  to look for how seriously the various denominations took their role as prophetic voices for economic justice.  The home pages didn’t seem to reflect much of a consciousness of the importance of the economic crisis at that moment.  Now,  as Pope Continue Reading