Call on Congress to Speak Out Against the Funding Freeze – Third Act

Assholes! What they just did: The new administration has launched a brazen attack on critical government programs that millions of Americans rely on for survival. On January 27, 2025, the administration began cutting off grants that Congress had already appropriated on the basis that they contribute to “Marxist equity” or “green new deal social engineering.” These steps amount to an Continue Reading

MLK over Trump…All Day, Any Day. Especially this day.

A great contrast. A great embarrassment for Americans. A great embarrassment for human government. A great embarrassment for a government of the people. Image by Ann Telnaes on Substack (who resigned from the Washington Post when Bezos nixxed her cartoon).Her cartoon is shown in the link to “when Bezos nixxed her cartoon” (opens in a new window , or Continue Reading

Democrat leadership doesn’t think Climate Crisis belongs “on stage”

“If you are a major 2020 candidate and you say you have to skip either the CNN or MSNBC climate forums because you’re “too busy,” I would argue that you most likely don’t grasp the scale, scope, or importance of the climate threat” — @EmilyAtkin on Twitter Far too many churches—especially those partial to the Religious Right, simply ignore it Continue Reading

The Principalities and Powers are finding expression IN the Trump administration

This article appeared today, on a day when the forces represented by Franklin Graham and the likes of Jerry Falwell, Jr., are calling on the people of God to “pray for the President” that he might be strengthened against his “enemies” (many of those being people rising up in defense of Creation). It’s highly ironic that Graham quotes this bit Continue Reading

Facing our future with a dose of cold hard reality

“The planet on which our civilization evolved no longer exists. The stability that produced that civilization has vanished; epic changes have begun. We may, with commitment and luck, yet be able to maintain a planet that will sustain some kind of civilization, but it won’t be the same planet, and hence it can’t be the same civilization. The earth that Continue Reading

Learning an “Eco Lingo”; how do we become fluent in EcoTheology?

For almost 5 years, I’ve noticed a distinct lack of “comfort” in being able to respond to news such as the Ecological Crisis. The list of other issues that Progressives are very willing to discuss (and I am also), racism, immigration, abortion, Islamaphobia, War and Peace, The Christian Right’s capitulation to the American Empire…all of these things are undoubtedly urgent Continue Reading

Watching our language in reference to the Ecological Crisis

My friend Tim Gossett tagged me yesterday re: an article in the Guardian on “language usage about the environment”with this:“You have some new phases to add to your vocabulary, Dale Lature “ I replied, which resulted in several comments , which I will post this morning as comments (as often happens in comments as people interact with me on Continue Reading