Bad argument Dems make

This is a bad argument: “Strongest economy in history” is nonsense, of course. But Dems citing of certain statistics to say Biden economy is best is also bunk. I’m also not setting up any ridiculous “both sides” argument. I’m complaining about the claim by many Dems that this economy we have right now is the “best ever”. That’s not how Continue Reading

Opinion | Biden’s all-EV dream lives on, despite a lack of sales or feasibility – The Washington Post

The Biden administration’s costly and coercive crusade to replace internal combustion vehicles (ICVs) with electric vehicles (EVs) is disproportionate to its minuscule climate impact. Source: Opinion | Biden’s all-EV dream lives on, despite a lack of sales or feasibility – The Washington Post Compared to the cost of continued fossil fuel emissions? ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, people. Ecological costs are REAL and Continue Reading

Reframing Thanksgiving: An Opportunity For Reconstruction

From Brad Davis on the blog at Accidental Tomatoes: Later this week I’ll make the approximately thirty-mile drive south to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with my family. Once there we’ll do what we always do: gather around the dinner table to partake in a royal feast, watch football (in between the dozing off stemming from gastrological overdose), and tell stories Continue Reading

Propagation of “the gospel” is NOT something APART from Earth-keeping

A particularly troubling portion of a comment in a thread under one of my posts in a Facebook group (“The New Methodists”): “we must care for the planet, and yet our priority is the propagation of the gospel of Jesus” This is the problem with the above: We see in that brief sentence fragment a very disjointed, disengaged notion (from Continue Reading

Gnostic heresy is earth killing

The Ecological Crisis represents what is the most direct assault and consequence of the disengagement from life of the gnostic heresy. To segregate salvation and spirituality into some “internal” transaction is a false move and a distortion of the gospel of Jesus. For sure, there are things happening “within us” as we engage the world from within The Kingdom of Continue Reading

Bad headlines

This headline is woefully inadequate. But hey, that’s headlines for you. It’s not specifically “Green New Deal”. It’s the political game around it, which has become “IT” because “it” is the present expression of the urgency brewing in the “left” ranks. But many of the people behind the Green New Deal would be the first to tell you that Continue Reading

Doing something about Climate Change is “Gospel”

“The gospel call to love one’s neighbor is, in our time and place, most fully a call to do something about climate change,” he said, “because at the moment, we’re drowning our neighbors, sickening our neighbors, making it impossible for our neighbors to grow food.” — Bill McKibben  ?The dominant theological issue?: Environmentalist Bill McKibben wants your pastor at the Continue Reading

The missing category of home building

This: Downsizing the American Dream: The new trend toward ?missing middle housing? After years of focusing on the upscale market, developers are addressing the need for smaller homes.   This whole idea is moving in the right direction, but this “missing market” seems right smack dab in the middle, not moving even further toward what we REALLY need, and Continue Reading

Ecological Crisis a “niche issue”?

Clueless characterization of the ecological crisis: “Niche”. Denial straight-up. Not an “issue” , as in “one among many” to accept or reject. Either you accept science and act accordingly (as we naturally do with doctors, taking their diagnoses seriously, even when getting “second opinions” – we still do not forsake the field of medical expertise). “{Trump officials were} complaining the Continue Reading