The Confessing Church that comes out of a Reformation focusing on Ecological Life

A while back I had written about how there needs to be a “Confessing Church” movement centered on the Climate Crisis. The election of Donald Trump has not only accentuated that need, but it adds a whole slew of additional pleas to people in the Church to have the guts and the consciousness to stand up and reject the capitulation Continue Reading

“Morning Has Broken?”

I can hear them saying. All is cool. It’s “Morning in America” again, hearkening back to the time when Reagan crushed Carter to get elected, contrasting himself with Carter’s now prescient forseeing of the impact of the fossil-fuel economy, by telling us that “all is calm, all is bright” and taking down the solar panels Carter put on the roof Continue Reading

Eco-Reformation, our required penance for our blasphemy

Reformation, Eco-centric theological revolution, is a requirement for the Church now, after centuries of ignorance and then willful denial, of humankind’s overreach and excess. The denial is nothing less than the ultimate sin: the destruction of the habitat and ecosystem required for, first, the very emergence of the human species in the first place, and then the sustainability of that Continue Reading

“Turbo-charging” Reformation

“It is time for a prophetic turbo-charging of our religious traditions. Foremost is the need to expand beyond the self-focus of individual salvation or enlightenment to also include vital community concerns—notably, survival. The community now, of course, is the entire human family and the more-than-human Earth community. 2” — Michael Dowd, with a footnote nod to Thomas Berry Link to Continue Reading

Eco-Reformation means catipulting the Climate Crisis into theological prominence

As the 500th year of the Reformation approaches (8 days away now),  I have a few thoughts on the long journey ahead toward bringing the Climate Crisis to the top of the theological priorities of the Church for the crucial years ahead of us.  This will determine whether or not the Church awakens to the catastrophic dangers we face as Continue Reading

Ten more days until the beginning of the 500th year of the Reformation

On Nov. 1, 2016,  the year that culminates in the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation will begin.  So ,  that 500th year will bring many reflections and explorations and research from me at EcoEcclesia on the Eco-Reformation we need to expand, explore, and set as a vital mission of the Church for the years ahead.  It’s “vital” to any Continue Reading

super theological-techological nerdy places

I’m in one of those super theological-techological nerdy places today (one of those “places” of the mind/spirit) where I have, as a result, a deep sense of exile from the church AND techno-nerdism, since the two “places” rarely ever meet in either of the “other’s” domain. This really started in full form when I began working in denominational Web departments Continue Reading

What would be worse than a Trump presidency? To continue on with “business as usual”

While I wholeheartedly agree with the dangers of a Trump presidency, I cannot (as I have said many times of late) avoid the nagging question of what is going to happen to us if we don’t work seriously toward asking very hard questions about what we have to change and work toward, ecologically, starting NOW. No, not by 2025, or Continue Reading