“Morning Has Broken?”

I can hear them saying. All is cool. It’s “Morning in America” again, hearkening back to the time when Reagan crushed Carter to get elected, contrasting himself with Carter’s now prescient forseeing of the impact of the fossil-fuel economy, by telling us that “all is calm, all is bright” and taking down the solar panels Carter put on the roof of the White House, short-circuiting an early start into the Anthropocene – in 1979 – and turning back the clock on all the potential research, innovation, and production of renewables. That was 37 years ago! Imagine what we could have accomplished AND where we could be if Reagan had not dissuaded us by his capitalism wet-dream! With focus and momentum and accelerating collaboration, an ecological Moore’s Law could have launched an ecological renaissance concurrent with the Computer and Internet revolutions!

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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