The Confessing Church that comes out of a Reformation focusing on Ecological Life

A while back I had written about how there needs to be a “Confessing Church” movement centered on the Climate Crisis. The election of Donald Trump has not only accentuated that need, but it adds a whole slew of additional pleas to people in the Church to have the guts and the consciousness to stand up and reject the capitulation of the American evangelical church to this man, who, just 4 years ago, was basically laughed off the political stage (as he was 8 years ago). What the hell happened in the American pysche to remove that ability to recognize nonsense?

Anyway, we have a huge list of reasons from a wide variety of justice issues, on top of just plain old-fashioned decency and restraint and some semblance of dignity for the idea of The Presidency and the leadership it requires.

Even aside from all these things that were, until relatively recently, blatantly obvious to those across our political landscape, the inclinations of this crew in the face of this Climate Crisis remains the most powerful and far-reaching danger they pose. This is where the church should be focusing its “Confessing” activity and presence. But this will take a bit of a Reformation to bring about such a Confessing movement. So, with a bit of Martin Luther and a whole lot of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we got some difficult days ahead (but in this light, perhaps some ALIVENESS to spread around!)

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