What would be worse than a Trump presidency? To continue on with “business as usual”

While I wholeheartedly agree with the dangers of a Trump presidency, I cannot (as I have said many times of late) avoid the nagging question of what is going to happen to us if we don’t work seriously toward asking very hard questions about what we have to change and work toward, ecologically, starting NOW. No, not by 2025, or 2030, or 2050. This is what is completely unacceptable about Clinton.

In our zeal and justified fear of Trump, we are allowing all this required energy and effort to be sucked out of the things we HAVE TO DO, TODAY. Hillary’s “incrementalism” MUST be severely challenged if she is elected, and I do VERY MUCH prefer to be “Occupying” (i the sense of grassroots activity and protest like the Occupy movement) a Hillary administration which has many more supporters in it with Climate Crisis sensibilities. But I do differ with a LOT of people in ONE KEY way:

I also do not think that a Trump presidency will be a worse outcome than the additional and yet to come ecological destruction we invite by our lack of serious action. Trump’s efforts will be met with massive resistance. The outcomes of that could even be better than what might come of a massive , country-wide sigh of relief that would come with a Hillary victory. The need and REQUIREMENT of massive grassroots mobilization is needed REGARDLESS.

It’s the Climate Crisis, folks! This is BIGGER. This is the supreme threat. There’s certainly a whole section of The People’s Platform (which is a Climate Crisis Response Platform) that outlines and recognizes why Trump cannot be President from a Climate Crisis perspective. But let’s not let that , in turn, distract us from the things we MUST DO and NOW to fight , not Trump, but our civilization’s suicidal race to ecological chaos. If we keep going there, we will surely have a much deeper nightmare than a Trump presidency could “achieve”.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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