Eco-Reformation means catipulting the Climate Crisis into theological prominence

As the 500th year of the Reformation approaches (8 days away now),  I have a few thoughts on the long journey ahead toward bringing the Climate Crisis to the top of the theological priorities of the Church for the crucial years ahead of us.  This will determine whether or not the Church awakens to the catastrophic dangers we face as a species (and to most other species around us, most of whose existence and thriving is crucial to our own).  If the Church remains enslaved to the “list of issues” that have been deemed “the most pressing issues of our time” (those lists which rarely rank the Climate Crisis as a top priority,  if at all),  then the relevance of the Church will plummet (even further,  if that can be envisioned).

Everything must be re-aligned.  Seminaries must teach Eco-Theology to future leaders.  Churches must prerach it,  teach it in classes,  become active in any and all community efforts to move to earth-friendly and crisis-managing ways of living.  Christians must recover the ecological narratives that Western culture has neglected for centuries.  The leadership of the Church CANNOT delay on this.  Our very lives depend on the intensity and focus of our efforts in this regard.  I cannot be more direct and serious than that.  It’s well-past time, folks.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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