Economist and Pundit Assessments Ignore Ecological Crisis

As a participant in the Occupy Movement , now over a decade ago, I am not at all unaware of the many economic dangers of the greatly increased hegemony of the 1% (even more so of the 1% of those 1%), but I continue to be vastly worried at how few people who are warning us about these dangers (which are very real) seem to not be factoring in the FAR WORSE danger that looms over ALL of this: The Ecological Crisis. This will “come to roost” on MORE OF US far more brutally than the economic woes. There may well be several economic shockwaves that are felt before the worst of the ecological unravelings, but the hits we will be taking to economic health from the Ecological Crisis will dwarf that of the damages done by the 1%. It almost seems contradictory to say that, since it is also the 1% who bear, by far, the largest chunks of the carbon footprint of our way of living.

But I continue to sense the denial of the extent of Ecological unraveling that is underway, and the eventual further acceleration of economic and health horrors in store. I see it when Paul Krugman writes about the dangers of the next 4 years under Trump and a future that looks to diminish opposition to the oligarchic hegemony, and doesn’t even mention the Ecological damage that they are planning to unleash through their ignorant, narcissistic rush to riches. Many Progressive folks I have followed for years are doing much the same. As anyone who knows me is sure to know, I am of the opinion that Trump is an absolute Anti-Christ. Not kidding at all. It is completely theologically valid IMHO to give DJT that title. He fits all of the description. And he is set on doing absolutely anything if it leads to direct and immediate profit for himself. But make no mistake, to ensure yet another four years of Predatory Delay (as we’ve seen under 3 different Dem Administrations since the Hansen testimony in 1988) would be bad enough. But he’s going to up the ante and work in the negative direction. He wants to tear down what has been built out of spite and to please his ignorant base, who seek childish revenge and gloating. They have no idea about what they are inviting. And many Progressives seem to have no clue about the realities we are continuing to invite upon ourselves.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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