Bad argument Dems make

This is a bad argument: “Strongest economy in history” is nonsense, of course. But Dems citing of certain statistics to say Biden economy is best is also bunk. I’m also not setting up any ridiculous “both sides” argument. I’m complaining about the claim by many Dems that this economy we have right now is the “best ever”. That’s not how you oppose Trump. By exaggerating with hyperbolic claims, like he does. Just call him on his lies. We don’t have to have “the best ever” to call him on his claim. This is all about the disaster of government that he and his enablers, the GOP, represent. These people are NOT interested in governance. They are only interested in raiding every resource and sell it off to fill the coffers of the super wealthy even more. They are demonic.

Trump's "We had the Greatest Economy In History"

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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