super theological-techological nerdy places

I’m in one of those super theological-techological nerdy places today (one of those “places” of the mind/spirit) where I have, as a result, a deep sense of exile from the church AND techno-nerdism, since the two “places” rarely ever meet in either of the “other’s” domain. This really started in full form when I began working in denominational Web departments Continue Reading

Climate Crisis and the list of Moral Issues

I will not say things like I’m about to say as “Comments” under a particular video or post in praise of something that I consider a moving and inspirational speech or sermon or prayer. First, I do not EXPECT that any good sermon or speech will have to say something about the Climate Crisis. There are simply too many issues Continue Reading

The Road to Ecological Civilization: An Illustration Graphic

A little illustration I sketched out , addressing what is wrong with the “Lesser of two evils”, from an eco-perspective. (Notice also that the longer we drive straight up this road, the “sharper left” becomes the more direct route toward Ecological Civilization (this is an intended pun, in that the route toward ecological civilization will require increasingly radical shifts away Continue Reading

If we think Trump would be bad, just think….

The previous post about the “Climate CRISIS denial of the left” is closely related to why I have been so insistent in my opposition to the widespread capitulation of those on the left to the “lesser of two evils” fallacy. Hillary Clinton embodies in both her past performance and present “claims” and “plans” that she just doesn’t get it. She Continue Reading

The “Climate CRISIS denial” of the Left

There is certainly a big difference between the outright Climate Change denial of the Right, and the “Climate CRISIS denial” of the Left. The former is simply capitulation to the economic status quo (which gets taught to them by “social osmosis” via their “auto-import” of GOP politics, which is motivated by the GOP’s dependence on Fossil fuel money. The Christian Continue Reading

We have a problem that is bigger than Trump. Really.

Let me float this theory: I hear constantly how we “just can’t let a man like Trump become President, because it will destroy everything we’ve worked for”. While I agree that Trump absolutely should not be elected, and that it would be a mockery and an opening of Pandora’s box in many ways, I also have to believe that, since Continue Reading

The brain injury we allow upon ourselves

In the movie “Concussion”, a moving and disturbing and infuriating film, Roger Goodell says during a press conference ” I’m not a doctor, but this is an evolving science”. Sound familiar? This is a talking point from the ones for whom the science is threatening their bread and butter, and by extension, for the millions who want to continue to Continue Reading

Our “Independence Day”

I am thinking that our churches need to be thinking about how to craft a message that has any shot at communicating the enormity of the ethical implications of the Climate Crisis. I am thinking about , on this July 4, about the speech made by the fictional President (played by Bill Pullman) in the film “independence Day”, and his Continue Reading

Between a #Trump and a hard place

I keep feeling the need to reiterate how CLOSE I am in thinking about the Trump/Clinton either/or choice to that of many of my friends who have decided that the risk of a Trump presidency is just too great to leave to chance, and therefore advocate for Clinton as THE alternative. For me, the line there is made up of Continue Reading

Identifying as “Ecological Churches”

If churches can identify themselves as “Bible-believing” Churches ,or “Active in the Community”, “Reconciling (referring to their acceptance of GLBTQ members) , or “Justice” Churches, or constantly reveal their falling in line with the Christian Right by emphasizing, on a constant basis, thier “opposition” to the various lists of things on the Christian Right “Disapproval” items such as Gun Control, Continue Reading