Between a #Trump and a hard place

I keep feeling the need to reiterate how CLOSE I am in thinking about the Trump/Clinton either/or choice to that of many of my friends who have decided that the risk of a Trump presidency is just too great to leave to chance, and therefore advocate for Clinton as THE alternative. For me, the line there is made up of part ‪#‎NeverTrump‬ and part ‪#‎IsItTooLate‬? (to borrow from a title by John Cobb from 1972!) 44 years ago, Dr. Cobb was already asking this about the Climate Crisis. 44 years ago! This brings home to me the enormity of the denial under which our civilization has been operating. The science WAS indeed rolling in at what was, even then, a rather convincing pace and extent. And what we’ve continued to tell ourselves , is some version of “we’ve got this”. And yet, we’ve continued to deposit 44 years worth of additional carbon into the pipeline which WILL (and very likely IS) have cumulative and visible and devastating effects. And so how much more “Incrementalism” can we afford? The argument now seems to be that the damage that could be done by a Trump presidency would produce even more of those “pipeline deposits”. Sure. But is the only option to that “driving off a cliff” the “keeping hold of the wheel” to keep us “on the road” (that “road” we’re on now? That road we’ve been on for 44 years since John Cobb was asking “Is It Too Late?”). Isn’t it ALSO important that we don’t “default” to the status quo and “stay the course”, which will drive us into the same abyss of Climate Apocalypse if we keep heading up that way, where the coastline to our East takes an increasingly sharp westward (left) turn? These are realities I just don’t get the sense that we’re really facing!

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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