“Expanding” the idea of salvation

OMG, the warnings I will receive about the heresy of expanding the idea of salvation so far as this book “threatens” to do! It will distort the simple meaning! It will detract me from the Good News of the Gospel, which I should be preaching “instead” of all this “political” Climate science mumbo-jumbo! “How can we imagine the gracious, compassionate Continue Reading

Trusting God on Climate Change via Mark Davies

Perhaps this all has something to do with fossil fuel corporations and their executives being able to make trillions of dollars by keeping us from trusting what climate scientists are saying. Perhaps they think they can trust that these trillions of dollars will keep them safe when the climate is in chaos, but that is not trusting in God, that Continue Reading

Eco Crisis is perhaps the biggest reason to “Occupy”

My prior theological focus , before my “Eco-conversion”, was the Occupy movement. Before ecoecclesia.org was my blog address, it was occupytheology.org (both urls still work, in addition to theoblogical.org ) This woman is strong in both economic justice and the ecological crisis! So pumped to see Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaking so strongly on both! I feel my “Occupy” sensibilities are still Continue Reading

Ice Tells the Tale

“Global capitalism, neoliberal economics and the power structure depend upon things continuing as they are. The only real chance at mitigation of the impacts from climate change that are now entrenched in the climate system, would have been to abandon capitalism and enact something akin to the New Green Deal back when NASA’s James Hansen sounded the alarm about climate Continue Reading

Our sins against Creation

“It is appropriate in our worship that we make confession of our sins against creation. Having invoked the presence of God the Creator, having seen Earth as the sanctuary of our worship, having established our human solidarity with all creation, and having invited the whole Earth community into a chorus of praise, we must now acknowledge our broken relationship with Continue Reading

Why the Right and the Centrists Attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


via Why the Right and the Centrists Attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by Mark Davies

Here is one big reason why Republicans and even some corporatist/centrist Democrats are obsessively criticizing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ? they know that if younger generations ever fully realize and fully embrace that Democratic Socialism as practiced in the Nordic model actually works very very well (great education, great health care, strong economies, responsible care for the environment, and superb social security), then the Republican Party and the corporatist wing of the Democratic Party are finished.


The neglect (and denial) of the churches heighten the emotional toll of climate change

Re: this previously highlighted quote:  “imagine what the cultural expression of climate change denial and avoidance does to compound the depression, anxiety, and grief! ” — Margaret Swedish in New Creation News https://buff.ly/2QGWyZx (re: the grief such as that written about in https://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/climate-grief-growing-emotional-toll-climate-change-n946751 Imagine what the church’s silence on this, even in so-called “Progressive” denominations and church communities, does to Continue Reading

The emotional toll of our Ecological Crisis: where is the church?

I probably linked to this a couple weeks ago (Christmas week), but can’t remember. But just in case, here it is again: https://www.nbcnews.com/…/climate-grief-growing-emotional-t… HT to Margaret Swedish for the reminder in her post this morning ) ‘Climate grief’: The growing emotional toll of climate change Extreme weather and dire climate reports are intensifying the mental health effects of global warming: depression and resignation about Continue Reading