Just 10 days until “A Sacred Calling to Care for the Earth”

Here’s the latest docs on the conference: Saturday, October 1, 8:30-4:00  at Franklin First United Methodist Church, 120 Aldersgate Way, Franklin, TN 37069 (near the intersection of Franklin Road and Mack Hatcher Parkway, entrance is off of Mack Hatcher about ¼ mile west of Franklin Rd.)  Sponsored by:  Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light (Nashville Chapter); Cumberland Harpeth Audubon Society; and Continue Reading

super theological-techological nerdy places

I’m in one of those super theological-techological nerdy places today (one of those “places” of the mind/spirit) where I have, as a result, a deep sense of exile from the church AND techno-nerdism, since the two “places” rarely ever meet in either of the “other’s” domain. This really started in full form when I began working in denominational Web departments Continue Reading

What would be worse than a Trump presidency? To continue on with “business as usual”

While I wholeheartedly agree with the dangers of a Trump presidency, I cannot (as I have said many times of late) avoid the nagging question of what is going to happen to us if we don’t work seriously toward asking very hard questions about what we have to change and work toward, ecologically, starting NOW. No, not by 2025, or Continue Reading

What would be worse than a Trump presidency? To continue with “Business as usual”

While I wholeheartedly agree with the dangers of a Trump presidency, I cannot (as I have said many times of late) avoid the nagging question of what is going to happen to us if we don’t work seriously toward asking very hard questions about what we have to change and work toward, ecologically, starting NOW. No, not by 2025, or Continue Reading

The Road to Ecological Civilization: An Illustration Graphic

A little illustration I sketched out , addressing what is wrong with the “Lesser of two evils”, from an eco-perspective. (Notice also that the longer we drive straight up this road, the “sharper left” becomes the more direct route toward Ecological Civilization (this is an intended pun, in that the route toward ecological civilization will require increasingly radical shifts away Continue Reading

The “Climate CRISIS denial” of the Left

There is certainly a big difference between the outright Climate Change denial of the Right, and the “Climate CRISIS denial” of the Left. The former is simply capitulation to the economic status quo (which gets taught to them by “social osmosis” via their “auto-import” of GOP politics, which is motivated by the GOP’s dependence on Fossil fuel money. The Christian Continue Reading