The Task Ahead Has Just Gotten Much Harder

In September of 2014, while reading Naomi Klein’s “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate”, I crossed into a life-changing re-focusing of my vocation of trying to help the Church be the Church and provide Communication and Online Community tools, to sharpening and focusing those tools on the task we face in a Climate Crisis. Now, just over two years Continue Reading

Islam DOES worship the SAME GOD.

This is so STOOOOOPID, the Wheaton and “Some Evangelical Christians” response : “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book,” she posted on Facebook. “And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God.” Though the college did not take a position on her wearing the headscarf, some Continue Reading

Cringeworthy. Yes. I know the feeling.

Yes. One listen to the New Atheist leaders and their constant barrage of pointing to literalist interpretations of the Christian scriptures, and you’ll know what is meant here. “Cringeworthy” is about the size of it. I’ve been “cringing” along with MUslim people of faith for some time now as I see Christians characterizing them in the same way New Atheists Continue Reading

Sam Harris vs Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstong wrote this:   to which Harris has posted a rather rude, incomplete,  shallow retort in the style of his usual blanket assertions about the inanities of religion and the superiority of his New Atheism. I am hopeful that Armstrong’s winsome depiction of Islam will shame and enlighten them, as it has me. They will discover that Hassan al-Banna Continue Reading

Up next: The Religion of the “Religion-less”

The Enlightenment philosophers had tried to counter the intolerance and bigotry that they associated with “religion” by promoting the equality of all human beings, together with democracy, human rights, and intellectual and political liberty, modern secular versions of ideals which had been promoted in a religious idiom in the past. – Karen Armstrong in “The Myth of Religious Violence”  I Continue Reading

The “Reality” of Islam acc. to Sam Harris

the Muslim world is utterly deranged by its religious tribalism. via The Reality of Islam : : Sam Harris. Yeah, Sam,  if you want to ,  for a bit,  focus on the cruelties and mass killings of athiestic regimes,  is this a result of their atheism?  I would say not,  and so would you.  And yet when it comes to Continue Reading

Why The Islamic State Is Not Really Islamic – The Intercept

while the Islamic State is superficially and opportunistically Islamic, it owes at least as much to secular revolutionary ideologies as to its claimed religion, and borrows heavily from Western systems of organization and pop culture as well. via Why The Islamic State Is Not Really Islamic – The Intercept. This is precisely my comeback to the “New Atheists” who display Continue Reading