The Task Ahead Has Just Gotten Much Harder

In September of 2014, while reading Naomi Klein’s “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate”, I crossed into a life-changing re-focusing of my vocation of trying to help the Church be the Church and provide Communication and Online Community tools, to sharpening and focusing those tools on the task we face in a Climate Crisis.

Now, just over two years later, the task has become eve more important and more urgent, with the election of a President and his appointments of the nation’s top Fossil Fuel and Big Bank people, in addition to a Right Wing , racist, nationalist ideologue as his top advisor.

I am ramping up my plans for EcoEcclesia, to take a nenewed and re-tooled approach to working toward a more urgent call to churches to be Confessing Churches in a time of darkness, as the Trump Train from hell starts rolling with truly disturbing efforts to exclude, scapegoat, stoke Islamaphobia and hate, and censor scientific information that shows us how seriously destructive we have been are continuing to be with our ecosystem.

This will take nothing less than a Reformation in the Church. We must have our best theological voices calling us to this task. We must lift these concerns off of the back pages of our headlines and onto the Front page along with the other assaults on nearly all of our freedoms (and most of all, the ways in which we assure that the least of these are not being further marginalized and forgotten and relegated to “Sacrifice Zones”).

There’s an intimidating amount of work to be done. We have to, as the church, be a present community to this ongoing crisis that cuts across every place where we seek to life life to its fullest.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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