The “Reality” of Islam acc. to Sam Harris

the Muslim world is utterly deranged by its religious tribalism.

via The Reality of Islam : : Sam Harris.

Yeah, Sam,  if you want to ,  for a bit,  focus on the cruelties and mass killings of athiestic regimes,  is this a result of their atheism?  I would say not,  and so would you.  And yet when it comes to Islam,  you see it entirely different.  Hmmmmmm…..

This is why I am all over these “New Atheists”.  Their ideology seems to have done its number of causing its own kind of “derangement”, blinding them to their own irrational fixation on Islam (consciously,  it’s not really all that “irrational” in one sense,  for them,  since the problem here is not atheism,  but bigotry that makes it all too easy for them to immediately blame the religious element as if the many other cultural, social, economic, or political factors are not more likely,  simply by virtue of their representing MORE elements than just the one,  to be a larger part of the problem that results in murderous reaction.

And Harris keeps getting invited to speak, since people who find it easy and attractive to pile on Islam like to hear narratives that seem to aid in their justifications for doing so.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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