NBC’s Ayman Mohyeld in on Sam Harris & Bill Maher’s Islam Argument

NBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin: Sam Harris & Bill Maher’s Islam Argument “Offensive, Ignorant”

via NBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin: Sam Harris & Bill Maher’s Islam Argument Is “Flawed Logic” | Video | RealClearPolitics.

I imagine that some will call Ayman on his claim that Maher and Harris were using figures from unverified or savory sources,  but they were using Pew Research.  But I find that a problem when these polls are being touted as “Facts”,  when they are actually,  as all polls are,  assumptions or projections based on samples that they deem “representative enough” to extrapolate to an entire population.  Pew has a good reputation,  but I am not at all convinced that they are not outside of their realm of expertise on this one,  and end up using VERY FAULTY polling methodologies and biased questions and limits to answer options,  and sampling that simply does not understand the dynamics of religion amongst ALL THE OTHER elements of a society and region and CULTURE.  But watch below. I am general agreement with his main argument about “conflation”.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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