Another downside to the rollercoaster

After almost three weeks of my Contract work,  I learned there may be only another 3 weeks to go,  unless some new addtions to their Web development staff is approved.   I have had the opportunity to learn ,  hands-on,  some really cool Cold Fusion stuff.  I hope the next 3 weeks will bring more of the same,  and more.  Maybe Continue Reading

Third Places Extended into Online Incarnations

The Online Community efforts I have been advocating for the past 12 years center in the belief I have that any tool which encourages “seeking out” the bodies behind the conversations that attract us is a “Third Place” building kind of thing.  There may not be an pre-existing “Physical place” which hosted the budding group,  but that comes as the Continue Reading

The Rise of the Machines

I took my son to see Terminator 3 yesterday,  and ,  like the two before it,  the major story line centers on the “machine takeover” and systematic “extermination” of humans by the self-aware machines.  It is the classic apocalyptic warning about making our machines too powerful. 

A Ray of Hope

The thinking and envisioning I’ve written about in the previous post are about an ecumenical center with which I’ve been associated with for 10 years, through my friendship with Larry, and my involvement with a group of people who formed a class they called “Servant Leadership School”, named for the ministry and group study after which it was patterned, the Continue Reading

Pax Americana

More on the previous two posts about the WMD mystery Back when the Weapons inspections were happening,  and the Bush administration kept saying “We’re running out of time”,  one HAD to be thinking that they’re certainly in TOO MUCH of a hurry.  All of a sudden,  after more than 10 years,  it was SO CRITICAL.  Of course,  the Terrorism anxiities Continue Reading

Weapons of Mass deception

I heard this phrase not too long ago,  just before I began seeing a rash of articles in Blogville asking the question:  So where are they,  these Weapns of Mass Destruction?  A Google search on this phrase yields quite a bit Weinberger earlier this week wondered why the media has been so slow to do their own investigation,  rather than Continue Reading

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall

Talking Points Memo Link Weinberger has been asking and wondering about the absence of Weapons of Mass Destruction” ,  as I’m sure many of us have (like me,  but I haven’t  done much writing or commenting or reading about it).  I’m certainly not hearing much of it on the news,  in THIS country at least.  AKMA posts a comment to Continue Reading