Switching Gears Again

So I must once again switch gears,  from “what am I going to do? (the “pre-OSG kairos time” world)  to “this (the OSG Kairos stuff)  is what I’m gonna do and and it seems to be THE THING,  and the support will come— I have faith that it will” to the recent “OK,  I can do this (the $1000 a week contract job) and help us catch up on debts and such, and reap some benefit of learning Cold Fusion and get a good recent job reference and reccomendation,  and the THING can develop on a slower pace,  given the some 50-odd hours a week that I’m at work or traveling to work”  …….and now it’s back to “OK,  the THING (the OSG new development) is going to be king again in,  especially in three weeks ,  where come September,  I will be back to on my own again”.   I want to get back into the exciting sense of expectation about what might be happening as we explore the horizons of OSG.org and Great Good Places and Ecumenical outreach and resourcing on the Web,  and building “Smart Church Mobs” channels and demonstrating what can be done.

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