Weapons of Mass deception

I heard this phrase not too long ago,  just before I began seeing a rash of articles in Blogville asking the question:  So where are they,  these Weapns of Mass Destruction? 

A Google search on this phrase yields quite a bit

Weinberger earlier this week wondered why the media has been so slow to do their own investigation,  rather than simply cover the democrats talking about it.  Then he asks the question a lot of us are wondering about:  “Did Bush lie to us in order to get a war that he wanted?” | JOHO, 6/21/03, Divestigative Journalism 

My suspicion is “Yes,   of course he did”.   Maybe one could be extremely kind and say that Bush deceived himself into believing it.  Or maybe somebody deceived him.  I find the latter to be somewhat implausible. 

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