Things are going to start happening to me now

The line from the movie “The Jerk” (I can just see the look that Steve Martin had and hear the way he said it) came to mind in a much more serious and life-impact way yesterday as I read over a 4 page email from my friend Larry concerning our talks over the past couple weeks concerning a role for me at the ecumenical center/place/community where he is Executive Director.

Some of the highlights of the email focused on the “calling stuff” that now seems to be moving ever closer to being an honest-to-goodness generator of income and processes-being-set-in-motion that will birth other collaborations amongst various ecumenical participants and fellow envisioners of the future for online resource building for the theological community.

Check out some of these:

I believe that human freedom and creativity is powerful and that when we have a special opportunity to live into a deep centered passion of our calling we can really flourish. I think that timing is very ideal for you now and for us… So the match up as to timing and talent and marketplace – ministry opportunity is excellent.

I can’t think of anyone else that I could send such a brain dump to that I know could make sense out of 80% of what I have said than you Dale. I look forward to figuring out a way for you to have an office of connexity at OSG and have access to all the web hosting services and other tools that we have and will acquire as needed.

[others] can greatly benefit from having the kind of turbocharged cyber engine thriving under your leadership [here]. The factor here is an exchange is taking place, value for value, not a donation to you.

Thoughts like these are sprinkled throughout an email just brimming with ideas and connections and possibilities for further exploration;  and most importantly,  vision, energy, a very tangible sense of being called to something that is EMERGING.  It gives a whole new meaning for me (a theological one) to the “Emergent Technologies” term;  but the “simple” ingredients that evolve in to something quite complex here are the “simple things” that it often takes quite a bit of vision and freedom and creativity to see from inside of theologically-driven communities.  There is so much “business-as-usual” pressure in most Churches and engines of communication within like structures.  When there is a place for the new to thrive and NOT BE SQUASHED,  and people “hanging around” who affirm the new and see it as well,  there is great potential for the things which the Church should be able to see most clearly and obviously in the online possibilities for community.  These “obvious” things are allowed to EMERGE and pick up energy as the “call” attracts people who can fill roles in the structuring of the implementation of the mission.

Needless to say,  I am quite excited.  Don’t know yet what exactly is ahead in terms of the WHERE and the WHEN and how much of the time in the next couple weeks will be “me getting to work” on some of this,  and how much of it I will spend “up there” in out-of-town mode,  and what the “logistics” will be.  It’s GREAT though.  I don’t know how else to put it (but I suppose I’ll keep attempting new ways to “put it” in the days ahead.

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