Pentecost Like Feeling in the Air

I think that “The Jerk” reminds me of a time in my life when I was starting out in ministry, in Seminary, and going to see movies like The Jerk with a good friend who lived across the hall in the Seminary Dorm where I resided from 1978-1981. We would often quote various things from the movie in the years ahead. It was a fun-loving, relaxed, and yet “emergent” time in my life when I was about to embark on some adventures that would tie me close to technology, ministry, Janet (whom I would meet in 1982), Cincinnati, and United Theeological Seminary, where I got fascinated with the possibilities for Online Community, and knew that I was going to find myself “immersed” in it.

The post below begins to describe how I am feeling as I begin to see things re-arranging, perculating, and what I can only describe as something “Pentecost-like”; and thus far, it’s been all “electronically mediated” via email and phone calls, but the phone calls didn’t really talk the content of this all that much; only logistics about when and how to meet FTF on all the “email” and “blog” stuff. I am very charged about doing the ftf part, however. This will only increase the online energy afterwards. This is how it is meant to be , I think, in regards to Church and Online Communication. It’s all about “new appendages”. (BTW, I’ve started reading a new book called Natural Born Cyborgs by Andy Calrk, the director of Cognitive Sciences at U. of Indiana.) There will certainly be comments forthcoming as he talks about the ways which we are already “dovetailing” processes of the mind to “external” resources, from the “post it note” to the computerized collection of resources and correspondence).

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