Church Communication Orgs could use their own “Facebook Connect” style API

Was reading the final chapters of The Facebook Effect,  and when it mentions “Facebook Connect”,  ” a way to project information about the actions you take on other sites back to your Facebook friends as if they were actions inside Facebook”. This is a key issue for Web social integration.  It is the Facebook strength, writ large and Web wide. Continue Reading

was wondering if people could come and test my comment social login. havent gotten any lately and I want to see if it’s still working

Scroll down to “Connect with one of these to comment,”  and try to login with your choice of three (Facebook, Google, or Disqus)  This is not the “LIke” button (further up).  If you have commented here, and it is not showing below under the comment type, please tell me at dale dot lature AT gmail DOT com Remember: This is NOT the “Like” button Continue Reading

Manipulating Online Communities; Understanding Commuinities of Discourse

just about every digital media company is manipulating and optimizing the information it shows users, generally for commercial reasons. Much of this is essentially “manipulating emotions”. via The Facebook Effect, by David Kirkpatrick. I wrote the following comment on David K’s Facebook Page post linked above Yes, David, I agree, and I also think that , secretly, companies also manipulate Continue Reading