From good article on “belief”: “Polemicists want t…
From good article on “belief”: “Polemicists want to prosecute intellectual contradictions, novelists to explore them”
From good article on “belief”: “Polemicists want to prosecute intellectual contradictions, novelists to explore them”
otherwise I feel I have to keep the sample on my reader when I buy the full version. Wasteful & technologically illogical.
Hey @AmazonKindle , how about making it possible to transfer one’s Notes and Highlights from a “Sample” to the full Kindle title?
RT @thenation: “If the climate were a bank, it would have been saved.” #PeoplesClimate
I see a serious problem with the whole @Twitter hashtag thing. TROLLS, with no way to filter the idiots.
“There are no unsacred places, there are only sacred places and desecrated places.” -Wendell Berry
it also seems like publishers ought to be conscious of ebook reader habits and desires to electronically interact with content. Wake UP!
Should be a no brainer to allow all readers to share quotes online, and not just the Kindle readers. And to sync notes & highlights btw them
seems like the king of ebook readers might be a bit better at enabling readers/users to take advantage of those “electronic affordances”
really wish @Amazon were a whole lot better at being aware of how many people like to make notes and interact around books
Blog: @Joerg_Rieger on Deep Solidarity – Boston Poverty Consortium #OWS #occupytheology
RT @BillMoyersHQ: #MorningReads: Poor countries are embracing clean energy twice as fast as rich ones
Do today’s faith communities understand that good news to the poor might imply addressing and ending the conditions that create poverty? via Joerg Rieger on Deep Solidarity – Boston Poverty Consortium. Decades ago, the Brazilian Bishop Dom Hélder Câmara put it this way: “When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they Continue Reading
Blog post:@Joerg_Rieger on Deep Solidarity – Boston Poverty Consortium #OWS:
Okay, Christian Apple fans who think it good to boycott companies who extend rights to gays, give it up.