Christian & climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe…
Christian & climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe w/ @BillMoyersHQ re: ending the gridlock btw politics, science& faith
Christian & climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe w/ @BillMoyersHQ re: ending the gridlock btw politics, science& faith
The Untold Story of the Shejaiya Massacre in Gaza: A Former Israel Soldier Speaks Out from @democracynow
#Internetslowdown: FCC receives record-breaking 1.75M comments on Net Neutrality.
Tech Time Warp of the Week: The TVs That Gave People a Taste of the Internet in the ’70s | WIRED.
Pannenberg Live Stream w/ Philip Clayton & Peter Rollins.
.@TPM Republicans Filibuster Constitutional Fix To Overturn Citizens United. //GOP Corporate Subsidiary
Pols calling for “blow them to smithereens” & “just do it” (aka “Get Rid of them. It’s that simple”). As JStewart says:: “America F* Yeah”
I liked a @YouTube video from @louisleoiv Why shouldn’t I work for the NSA? That’s a tough one…but I’ll take
Hauerwas often serves me as one who calls us back to attention to the hope we are to embody.
“I am tempted to despair…. must be time for some Hauerwas.” – from @Tim_Suttle via ISIS, Syria, Israel, 9/11, Ray Rice, Pistorius, Ferguson: Stanley Hauerwas & the Freedom to Hope “To hope in the midst of despair is an act of profound freedom. Hope is performed in defiance of the powers of the world who want us to hate each other Continue Reading
“For some, this was an excuse to return to their cynicism; for others, it was an invitation to lose their illusions and begin to see the world from the viewpoint of political activists” – from the Amazon description
The Occupy Movement Explained (Ideas Explained): Nicholas Smaligo
Are We Approaching the End of Human History?
Chomsky: Today, it is humans who are the asteroid, condemning much of life to extinction..