Blog post:Facebook Social Graph & Theological…
Blog post:Facebook Social Graph & Theological Communities:
Blog post:Facebook Social Graph & Theological Communities:
I will blog yet again on this topic, which I have written about before, and I am accustomed to being greeted with the Web version of CRICKETS. That’s OK. “Social Graph” really hasn’t made the rounds into lay usage, or even programming usage in most circles. But the Social Graph as I am using it, refers to the “Connectivity” data Continue Reading
.@pmarca in “The Facebook Effect”: “Facebook’s just going to have all this data as a consequence of all the u…
The Apple Watch seems pretty cool. But it’s way too expensive. And not as compelling to me, an Android user. But good ideas.
@ChristianDems In other words, it needs to be more than words. Dems still let the corps and banks get away with it in the end.
@ChristianDems which is why I can only say that I am “more supportive” of the Democratic Party rather than ” I AM a Democrat”.
Netflix, Reddit Join Internet Slowdown Protest Against New Net Neutrality Rules via @ria_novosti