“Dreams” by Jesse James Deconto and The Pinkerton…
“Dreams” by Jesse James Deconto and The Pinkerton Raid at Wild Goose 2014: http://t.co/aVcHQJB7lW via @YouTube
“Dreams” by Jesse James Deconto and The Pinkerton Raid at Wild Goose 2014: http://t.co/aVcHQJB7lW via @YouTube
Dear Western World, Islam is NOT Behind ISIS http://t.co/99zd4bJNtT
Blog post:Auto Draft: http://t.co/ArBd2rVLKl ???????????????????
Blog post:Auto Draft: http://t.co/MDb5pT71vc it watches to see when I reach 140? it watches to see when I reach 140? it watches
seems I can tweet from WordPress? Not sure how Id use this
Blog post:Blogging Revival Impetus (HT @DaveWiner): http://t.co/wUs19CJGYX
saw this tweet from @DaveWiner today: When people tell me they loved Radio UserLand, that means, to me, that they are pioneers, early adopters. Very likely Natural-Born Bloggers. — Dave Winer ☮ (@davewiner) September 7, 2014 When I began blogging in June 2012 (and yeah, I was using Radio Userland) , I quickly made a pretty good splash in Continue Reading
RT @GregMitch: People say baseball is slow. As we are reminded today, more commercial time than playing time in NFL.
Re: Prev quote from @davewiner: I resemble that remark. Also another reminder not to neglect posting my thoughts as they should be (>140)
RT @davewiner: When ppl tell me they loved Radio UserLand, that means, to me, they are pioneers;early adopters. Lkely Natural-Born Bloggers.
RT @lessig: Wow: Nastygram from the Brown campaign | Lessig Blog, v2 http://t.co/mEsZtElOym
RT @TheMuslimGuy: MSNBC HARDBALL: “ISIS is about as Muslim as Westboro Baptish Church is Christian” Watch Video: http://t.co/X9WnlXMmLr
RT @mmfa: R-wing approach to racism in 2014: deny racism exists, then smear any black man who appears to be a victim: http://t.co/t92OKBjDjD
Scott Brown Senate campaign threatens Lessig for calling him a “lobbyist” – Boing Boing http://t.co/p2brFOWqt5