RT @jeczaja: Your tax dollars at work>NATO to S…
Your tax dollars at work>NATO to Set Up Another 5 Military Bases in Eastern Europe http://t.co/5okxbhzwd1 via @ria_novosti
Your tax dollars at work>NATO to Set Up Another 5 Military Bases in Eastern Europe http://t.co/5okxbhzwd1 via @ria_novosti
prev quote from @JeffJarvis from his latest BuzzMachine blog re: #Ferguson and the role of journalism. Excellent.
“more ways to see ppl as indivd’ls & communities ..than as a mass served w/ one-size-fits-all product we called news” http://t.co/PAXFsgQ1Hb
@jeffjarvis the story needs to be told that we choose to live here because of diversity not despite it.
one .@JeffJarvis spoken gem to a written one: ” journalism should start by listening, not speaking” via http://t.co/sILV5709sX #BuzzMachine
I think there ought to be classes in “Social Psychology in Online Spaces” This could get Theological real quick for me.
this is why I love listening to @JeffJarvis : he is attuned to the socio-technical issues of the Internets. He’s like a Net Erving Goffman
more @JeffJarvis : “There’s no reason we should feel overcrowded & get grumpy. We have all the space in the world; unlimited virtual space”
prev mentions of @JeffJarvis quotes from about 7:40 on video at http://t.co/TMkwtYEYQA from 8-27-14 #TWIG
amen @JeffJarvis “It’s not just about agreement/disagreement; it’s about relevance” re: how we cultivate our feeds to inform ourselves
Watching #TWIG recording from 8-27-14, and a pause accidentally captured this great still of @JeffJarvis @LeoLaporte http://t.co/lDYvx1podk
Muslim Leaders Have Roundly Denounced Islamic State, But Conservative Media Won’t Tell You http://t.co/OfIvm5IxAe // or most MainstrmMedia
World’s Jews increasingly uncomfortable w/ so-called State of Israel, which purports to repr’snt them w/o ask[ing] http://t.co/5B4AXR0VcD
RT @brianmerritt: The Bible is only ink on a page until it becomes flesh.
“Race is there, and it is a constant. You’re tired of hearing about it? Imagine how f*king exhausting it is living it.”-@DailyShowJon