Depressing our present politics. During Great Depr…
Depressing our present politics. During Great Depression, Congress just got down and started doing something about it. Hint? Hello? #OWS
Depressing our present politics. During Great Depression, Congress just got down and started doing something about it. Hint? Hello? #OWS
RT @HuffingtonPost: German Muslims Turn Out In Force For Nationwide Protest Against Islamic State
For all the discrepencies/failings of both President Roosevelts, each did stand up to big money. Seems those days are gone. #OWS
RT @ProfDauber: Maher: MSNBC Flags Were Flying at Half-Mast over Latest Christie News
Blog post:Stephen Colbert mocks Fox News for obsessing over the kind of boots on the ground:
Colbert hilarious look at Fox News’s obsession over “exactly what kind of boots will be on the ground” in the Middle East via Stephen Colbert brutally mocks Fox News for obsessing over the kind of boots on the ground. The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,The Colbert Report on Facebook,Video Archive