No Is Not Enough: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and beyond

I am struck this morning, while reading Naomi Klein’s account of various uprisings in different countries being saddled with austerity/shock treatments, that our country may well have brought on the Trump phenomenon by basically missing the opportunity to self-correct ,or heed the voices crying out during the Occupy movement of 2011-2012. Five years down the road, when the camps are Continue Reading

The EPA does actually mark an acknowledgment of needed collaborative effort

I am incensed about the EPA appointment, NOT because the EPA, which has existed since December 2, 1970, has successfully PROTECTED us from wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. It obviously has not. It has been all too complicit and detached from the science that brought about it’s establishment in the first place, and has only grown increasingly dire in its Continue Reading

No time to lose, now that Pruitt’s denial regime is at the head of the EPA

I feel that we in the People’s Climate movement, and those in the interfaith community should not be waiting for the Climate March on April 29 to act on our outrage that Pruitt has been confirmed; much less the corrupt , un-accountable, rushed nature of such a vote, pushed by that ultimate of “Patron Compromiser” , idiot “leaders”, Mitch McConnell. Continue Reading

Occupy the Pruitt EPA

Occupy the Pruitt-led EPA.  The head of National Security violates basic National Security protocol. He’s now gone. The appointed head of the Dept of Education is an opponent of public education. Now the EPA head is an opponent of Environmental Protection and an insane, science denying idiot with no scruples about enriching himself at the peril of what he is Continue Reading

The nationality of a Kingdom apart

Seeing a confederate flag in a picture, and reading of how “it’s not racist, but a symbol of ‘States Rights’”, I wonder what the symbol for “ecological destruction” rebranded as “Free market rights” would be. Capitalism? What’s the “flag”? Some might argue the stars and stripes itself. Then we’d be into the heart of the matter, I suppose. Where do Continue Reading

An apology and a promise to the world from a Citizen of the World

Let me be one of millions to tell the other countries of the world, especially those 7 “selected” countries in Trump’s insane, racist, Islamaphobic nonsense ban, that the vast majority of us did not want this, would never have thought of this, and are very ashamed that this goofball was elected President. He is in violation of multiple laws and Continue Reading

The Task Ahead Has Just Gotten Much Harder

In September of 2014, while reading Naomi Klein’s “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate”, I crossed into a life-changing re-focusing of my vocation of trying to help the Church be the Church and provide Communication and Online Community tools, to sharpening and focusing those tools on the task we face in a Climate Crisis. Now, just over two years Continue Reading

Deep Economy is Deep Theology This is one book that I consider to be really important for the church. These models set forth in this book show how communities (“Cities set on a hill, in theological parlance) need to be working , as much as possible, toward self-sufficiency, to stem the tide of massive transportation of goods from far away places. I just noticed Continue Reading