Journey Inward, Journey Outward in Ecological Calling

Sooo looking to visiting with Church of the Saviour folks when I visit this coming Saturday, as people from around the country converge on DC for marches at either end of the week of April 22-29 (The March for Science and The People’s Climate March, respectively).

The Church of the Saviour has always, I felt, “done Church right”. I knew it when I was 20, and I’ve always felt somewhat spoiled, and with it, “frustrated” at the what has been put forward by American Christianity as the Church. This Church is now an “umbrella” over 8 distinct faith communities (churches), who describe themselves as “in the Church of the Savior Tradition”.

That tradition has often been described best as “Journey Inward, Journey Outward”, and they have always emphasized CALL and MISSION as the ongoing journey around which they meet and go forth.
As I have made many “pilgrimages” to DC for the sake of recharging, re-discovering, updating, re-commitment, this is yet another where I intend to be enriched by the various eco-theological journeys that have emerged in these communities, and capture some of that story that has happened amongst that particular people.

I do this as I also seek out people from many of the various faith-driven groups who will be converging on DC for these particular actions occasioned by the “Trump-driven” lunacy of the Full-bore right wing mania that they seem in a hurry to push through all at once.

Although we know that the Anthropocene has been in motion and accelerating out of control for many many decades, we have been hearing and seeing our Climate Scientists step out and sound increased notes of urgency and crisis. It may have taken a lunacy such as Trump’s to awaken yet more people who had not yet been driven to this horrific recognition that we needed to be doing much more, far longer ago.

I am expectant that that week will be not only historic but also rich in “Journey Inward, Journey Outward”, with its emergent sense of CALL and MISSION.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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