It’s not just trolling; it’s disobedience unto death

Something has been eating at me psychologically this past 24 hours. Upon yet another exposure to some nasty trolling behavior by a “Christian” Fundamentalist on the page of a good friend and fellow earth keeper, Terry Tremwel, I have been struck with the danger in this kind of “Christianity”. It is far worse than other kinds of political or even Continue Reading

If This Is Not a Place

I’m way ahead of things here, but I find myself thinking about how the Church needs , and BADLY, (meaning URGENTLY) to begin re-orienting itself to address the Climate Crisis. And within that, there is the issue of BEING THAT PLACE where the growing numbers of people who are ecologically aware* can come and be in community.  Because if this Continue Reading

“America” is not even real until we prioritize “The People for whom it stands”

Why can’t people opposing these protests understand this? (Read the rest of my thoughts on this below the following quote, which prompted this post)   For many, they simply don’t want to. They don’t want to have to face the questions of the infidelity to the principles that they claim to be upholding by acknowledging the flag or the anthem Continue Reading

It’s not really a protest UNLESS it’s done DURING the anthem.

I am NOT ceding their point that disrespect is being shown by kneeling, NOR in kneeling DURING THE ANTHEM. It is very much THE POINT that the protest happen DURING the anthem. It is very much THE POINT that this is to make public that there is something VERY WRONG with “Observance” of the Flag and Anthem in America when Continue Reading

Naomi Klein: We Are Seeing the Shock Doctrine in Effect After Hurricanes Harvey & Irma | Democracy Now!

 the public’s money, which is really needed, should—in a sane world, it would be going towards paying for a transition to 100 percent renewable energy as quickly as technology allows, which is, in fact, very, very quickly, to be designed in a fair way, in a just way, which would mean that the people who have gotten the worst deal, Continue Reading

How far down the road can we look if we don’t look at today?

“Until a century or so ago, concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had been steady at around 260 to 280 parts per million for thousands of years. By last spring we raced past 410 parts per million and CO2 concentrations continue to steadily increase.” And , for me, I wonder just how long down this road we , as Continue Reading

Abandoning Abundant Life

How many more “Record Storms” and “Record Floods” and “Record Wildfires” and “Record Heatwaves” and “100 year this and that” are we going to have to have before we start seeing churches , in masse, confessing as to their complicity in the biggest destruction and injustice known in human history? I’m talking sheer consequences and wide reach here, not any Continue Reading

Predatory Delay

Clicking on a blank area, or on the time and date link in the Twitter link below (from the Twitter account of Alex Steffen) will show an entire thread of posts, introducing the notion of “Predatory delay”. This is the force we are facing now with our Climate Crisis. What Houston shows us, yet again, is that we live in a Continue Reading

The EcoEcclesia Mission

To help educate the people of the church in matters of ecological concerns and draw on the resources of our theological traditions and Biblical narratives to recover an Ecotheology that will best serve us in a time of Climate Crisis. To help the church tell the stories that communicate the mission of the church in this ecologically demanding time. To Continue Reading

The “Cultural Cancer” that has infested the American Church

This was just posted to the Facebook Page of “The Christian Left” For decades most “Christians” have lectured everyone around them telling them that to be a “Christian” you must be a Republican. They talk about everything that happens in culture and politics based on that belief, that right-wing ideology is the “Christian” ideology and everything else is evil, especially Continue Reading