“If My People”

“If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles  7:14 This was put to music in a song our Baptist Student Union Choir sang in the late 70’s Continue Reading

Abandoning Abundant Life

How many more “Record Storms” and “Record Floods” and “Record Wildfires” and “Record Heatwaves” and “100 year this and that” are we going to have to have before we start seeing churches , in masse, confessing as to their complicity in the biggest destruction and injustice known in human history? I’m talking sheer consequences and wide reach here, not any Continue Reading

The Truth about the False Story Needed Now

The thing Bill McKibben said in the interview I read yesterday, and posted in my timeline yesterday, still sticks with me. Seems it is the way I am feeling it as well: “The job seems to be just to get up in the morning and figure out what one can do with maximum effect that day to change the odds a little Continue Reading

Our Tower of Babel is this false story

From Margaret Swedish this morning: This rapidly unfolding planetary crisis was brought to us by a way of life in the western economic world to which we have become accustomed. That is the beam in our eye that we miss when we are trying to remove the splinter of this regime of cultural insanity from the Facebook timeline of M.S. Continue Reading

Predatory Delay

Clicking on a blank area, or on the time and date link in the Twitter link below (from the Twitter account of Alex Steffen) will show an entire thread of posts, introducing the notion of “Predatory delay”. This is the force we are facing now with our Climate Crisis. What Houston shows us, yet again, is that we live in a Continue Reading

The EcoEcclesia Mission

To help educate the people of the church in matters of ecological concerns and draw on the resources of our theological traditions and Biblical narratives to recover an Ecotheology that will best serve us in a time of Climate Crisis. To help the church tell the stories that communicate the mission of the church in this ecologically demanding time. To Continue Reading

The “Cultural Cancer” that has infested the American Church

This was just posted to the Facebook Page of “The Christian Left” For decades most “Christians” have lectured everyone around them telling them that to be a “Christian” you must be a Republican. They talk about everything that happens in culture and politics based on that belief, that right-wing ideology is the “Christian” ideology and everything else is evil, especially Continue Reading

The light in the darkness of rage

The other side of all this rage I’m feeling now is a deep sense of sadness and fear for this country. I know there are millions who share this right now with me. It is such a “blockage” for letting creativity and confidence flow as it should. But this fear and sadness is also feeding a movement as we seek Continue Reading

No Is Not Enough: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and beyond

I am struck this morning, while reading Naomi Klein’s account of various uprisings in different countries being saddled with austerity/shock treatments, that our country may well have brought on the Trump phenomenon by basically missing the opportunity to self-correct ,or heed the voices crying out during the Occupy movement of 2011-2012. Five years down the road, when the camps are Continue Reading

Journey Inward, Journey Outward in Ecological Calling

Sooo looking to visiting with Church of the Saviour folks when I visit this coming Saturday, as people from around the country converge on DC for marches at either end of the week of April 22-29 (The March for Science and The People’s Climate March, respectively). The Church of the Saviour has always, I felt, “done Church right”. I knew Continue Reading

Intense time of discernment

I’ve been sitting on a gold mine of content, yet to be “exploited”, for EcoEcclesia features, for over a year now. It’s been a long struggle on many levels. One of the lesser struggles I’ve had over that time, but nevertheless key to my moving my EcoEcclesia efforts to the next level, is to begin to break through with effective Continue Reading