It’s not just trolling; it’s disobedience unto death

Something has been eating at me psychologically this past 24 hours. Upon yet another exposure to some nasty trolling behavior by a “Christian” Fundamentalist on the page of a good friend and fellow earth keeper, Terry Tremwel,

I have been struck with the danger in this kind of “Christianity”. It is far worse than other kinds of political or even theological trolling, in that it encourages a denial of Ecological Emergency that actually results in irreparable destruction. With other kinds of political or theological trolling, there is “no harm done” in that there is always hope; “light at the end of the tunnel”, that we might start to understand one another, or at least stumble into a way to be more mutually beneficial in expressing and dealing with our differences.

But with this urgent matter of Ecological Crises, we don’t have time to waste. And given the nature of any ecological crisis, there is cumulative effect. It is piling on the “carcinogens” as the cancer spreads. Even tremendously important world crises caused by racism and other forms of human division, there is the sense and reality of a “Road Ahead” wherein we can “turn things around”. With this Ecological Crisis, the reality is very different. We LITERALLY DON’T HAVE TIME.

So this disturbing reality of so many people in the church participating in this denial of our situation, and coming to this issue with political and theological disdain for those who are trying to get the church to awaken to this Ecological Crisis, is a serious abandonment of our calling to proclaim and participate in the Kingdom of God. And so I worry. Every day. And this is why I have my sights set on helping the Church to be faithful to its “Sacred Calling” to be caring for Creation; to be “Earthkeepers” in every way and utilize every gift and resource we have in our community of Christ followers.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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