“America” is not even real until we prioritize “The People for whom it stands”

Why can’t people opposing these protests understand this? (Read the rest of my thoughts on this below the following quote, which prompted this post)

This was found on the Facebook page of “A Lucid Nation “


For many, they simply don’t want to. They don’t want to have to face the questions of the infidelity to the principles that they claim to be upholding by acknowledging the flag or the anthem with honor. They dishonor the whole idea of what nearly all of us have been taught about what the flag REPRESENTS.

And there, folks, is the key word: REPRESENTS. It’s not the FLAG that is the object of our veneration, but the principles. To KNEEL before them instead of STAND is a statement that we have to step back and take stock, prayerfully, SERIOUSLY, Asking the rest of us to observe if we should be honoring a flag more than the people for whom the flag is said to stand (as this quote so eloquently observes).

Please, folks. Do us all a favor and do a little bit of thinking about this. Most of all, we are being asked to search our hearts. If all you can see is a set of rules about proper posture, you have woefully missed the whole point.

I referred to a Bible passage a few days ago that is very pertiment here:

Those who say, “I love God,”  and hate their brothers or sisters,[b] are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister[c] whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen — I John 4:20-21 NRSV

You see, our Christian Scriptures know this danger of placing representative love with the love to which we are called to experience the real thing that the representative is calling for us to embody. “Loving God” is not even real until we love our fellow humans. Translated into American Citizenship, it’s “The People” that are sacrosanct here. It’s “The Union” of which we are ALL a part. If we let our observances take precedence, we are lost.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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