Geeky and Theological may have sounded trite, but I’m serious. Church and Social Media #smchurch #wiredchurch

I posted a tweet minutes ago: 2010 lays before me- What is God calling me to? Something Geeky and Theological. Techno-Theo Geek is available for work. Then I began to post a follow up (the title of this post), but as usual, the 140 character limit stopped me, so I came back to a post (whose title , in which Continue Reading

Listening to Steve Brown interview Jesse Rice @jesserice #smchurch #wiredchurch

Listening to:  Download MP3 | Play in Popup Steve Brown Etc. » Blog Archive » The Church of Facebook – Jesse Rice on SBE A highlight /attention grabber in this podcast:   Jesse:” We’ll have to “relearn how to have intimacy face to face”.  That may sound stupid to some (ie elicit a “nah” )  ,  but I think there is Continue Reading

Re-Membering in a Hyperconnected World @jesserice #wiredchurch #smchurch

I’m just going to keep hitting this.  Despite my status as an online “evangelist”,  I am in agreement with Jesse Rice and his thesis in The Church of Facebook.  There is a need for us to engage in battle against those things about a hyperconnected world that would rob us of just a small portion of our humanity and wholeness Continue Reading

The Call to #ChurchSocial…..does it work?

I have taken to hashtagging my tweets having to do with the Church and Social Media with #churchsocial.  While this may conjure up images of Ice Cream Socials or the Lady’s Tea Guild,  or even the Church lady,  I was aiming for a quick identifiable tag to mark off a “room” for tweets about or of interest to people in Continue Reading