The Call to #ChurchSocial…..does it work?

I have taken to hashtagging my tweets having to do with the Church and Social Media with #churchsocial.  While this may conjure up images of Ice Cream Socials or the Lady’s Tea Guild,  or even the Church lady,  I was aiming for a quick identifiable tag to mark off a “room” for tweets about or of interest to people in the church or church organizations re: Social Media.

I have taken to blogging on the topic quite a bit,  having been forced to contemplate my role with the larger Body of Christ as an enabler of “New Media Communications”,  which was my Web site name in the pre-blog days.  I have ,  for the past 18 years,  been watching, playing,learning,  and envisioning how the church might be present and be conversant users of the tools. 

I have allowed myself to become ,  what for me,  is tantamount to complacency.  I have stood by with relative standby-ishness (not a real word, I know),  as the world of Social Media has gotten itself a new name (“Social Media” or “Social Media Networking” is that name),  as it has evolved from what was once dominated by the newness of blogs and RSS, into a more complete , expansive set of tools.  As this scenario grows,  so do the opportunities. 

My status as “Free Agent” begins a week from last night.  After I leave work Friday,  I will no longer be employed full time.  But I’m not letting that stop me.  I have been given a shove into the unknown,  but I have my call,  and so now I have the rather exciting task of dreaming as if there are no boundaries.  Envisioning how to “make my own game” as Chris Brogan and Julien Smith say in Trust Agents. 

Believing myself to be called as I do to helping/enabling the church to think and act theologically as well as technologically,  I have a specific call now to begin to look at this , piece by piece,  and help the church think about what kind of a community it is,  and what tools can do what to extend/enhance that community. 

Along these lines,  are there existing “communal streams”  on Twitter (aka hashtags) that also focus on such things? 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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