MLK over Trump…All Day, Any Day. Especially this day.

A great contrast. A great embarrassment for Americans. A great embarrassment for human government. A great embarrassment for a government of the people. Image by Ann Telnaes on Substack (who resigned from the Washington Post when Bezos nixxed her cartoon).Her cartoon is shown in the link to “when Bezos nixxed her cartoon” (opens in a new window , or Continue Reading

Lee Zeldin, Trump nominee to lead Environmental Protection Agency, says climate change is real – Washington Times

Yeah, yeah…..Typical status quo economy shit: Says the environment and economy can flourish together climate change is real but that other nations are not doing enough to cut their carbon emissions. He said emissions have decreased in the U.S. in recent decades and other large nations should follow suit. Source: Lee Zeldin, Trump nominee to lead Environmental Protection Agency, says Continue Reading

50% loss in GDP between 2070 and 2090 from the catastrophic shocks of climate change

“Climate Dad” on Twitter/X (@ClimateDad77 ) Shared :“Building a system around unending economic growth has destroyed absolutely everything, including itself.” — from Twitter/X at sharing this from Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive“The global economy could face 50% loss in GDP between 2070 and 2090 from the catastrophic shocks of climate change unless immediate action by political leaders is taken to Continue Reading

Patrick Reinsborough: “There are more continuities between Obama, Trump and Biden that most people realize. Even on #climate where all three administrations fought to prevent young people from arguing in court that they have a right to a livable planet. #C

Thoughts and Prayers about EcoCrisis-induced Wildfires

There’s something actually disturbing about “messages of comfort and support” (see for victims of disasters when there is NO TALK of working on addressing the causes of the conditions that create more and more of these disasters. Of course, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with this message, such as the one I shared, but when we hear all of Continue Reading