Test Occupy Post (and other WordPressing Issues….lol pun on “Pressing”)

Haven’t done this in a while. Back when I first began using “Post Types”, thinking they were going to be big.
(It had been 4 years and a couple of months since I last published an “Occupy” Post Type)

I had , when I took great pains and many hours to set up this system of 3 Post Types (Regular “Post” , Occupy type “Occupy”, and EcoEcclesia type “EcoEcclesia”), envisioned allowing myself to customize the themes and sidebars and widgets according to post type, which I still may be able to do. (Fingers crossed).
But I gotta get my hosting adjusted to a cheaper plan that still has WordPress support. Don’t really need ASP anymore, altho for the sake of history, that would be a plus.

LIke I tried a “Press This” from an Apple TV video, to see if it grabbed any actual Video MetaData from the Show, Episode, and Time stamp where I presently sit, in case I want to refer the post to the particular section of the show….and could create a sub-type or tag or some marker that enables to launch this extra code to make the link Press This generates more specific to the show, episode, and time stamp where I have paused.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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